Florida Rural Letter
Carriers' Association

Copyright © 1998-2023
Florida Rural Letter Carriers' Association. All Rights Reserved
"If you have a mailbox, we'll find it."
This website includes hyperlinks to sites neither controlled nor sposored by FLRLCA or the NRLCA. Links may open in a new window.
Rural Letter Carriers have been America's "Post Office On Wheels" since 1896
The mailboxes that rural letter carriers serve are a part of the pulse of a nation. They bring happiness and rejoicing, sorrow and tribulation. They help do the work of the nation. Plain and unpretentious, they stand through the cycle of seasons. The simple, everyday rural mailboxes are part of our country's living.
We have played a large role in binding the republic together through two World Wars, the Great Depression, and various national crises. We are a vital and time-honoured part of the American way of life and we will continue to keep the mail moving, providing the same excellent service that all rural patrons deserve and to which they have become accustomed.
FLRLCA Calendar

Click here for District and Meeting Info

April 2 2025, Spring Booster Safety Harbor Resot & Spa (FLRLCA Board meeting on April 1)
June 19-21, 2025, State Convention, St. Augustine
August 19-22, 2025, NRLCA National Convention, Orlando, FL


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Registration is now open for the Spring Booster in Safety Harbor

State Board Meeting will be on April 1st and the Booster will be on April 2nd. The Booster will Start at 9am and run till 5pm. Lunch will be provided to all who register. You can register at www.flruralunion.com. Hope to see you there.


SPRING BOOSTER @ Saftey Harbor Resort & Spa

Here’s the info to book online with additional information.

Safety Harbor Resort & Spa, Trademark Collection by Wyndham | Safety Harbor, FL Hotels (wyndhamhotels.com)

Use this link above – then enter the check in and check out dates and then drop down the “Special Rates” button and enter the Group Code 39W47B and click the CLOSE button at the bottom of that box. Then hit the Update/Search Rooms button – your group rate will come up as available.


NOTE 1: The group rate is only available online for the nights of 4/1` and 4/2 – if you try to book pre or post dates, it will say the resort has no availability.
Any pre/post stays will need to be made directly with the Resort so availability can be checked as we have limited availability.

NOTE 2: The group rate will show up at $191.00 -
PLEASE IGNORE THIS. The group will NOT pay the Resort Fee that is wrapping itself into the rate ($169 Group rate plus $22 = $191). Guests are not paying any deposit – only a credit card guarantee.

Reservations: 800-843-2400


Book your group rate for Florida Rural Letter Carrier State Convention

The room block for the state convention at the Renaissance Inn World Golf Village in St. Augustine is now open and this is an updated link as there was an issue with the last one. Also, you can call 1-888-312-2154 and use group code FRLFRLA. Last day to book is May 26, 2025, so don’t hesitate to make your reservations now. The Convention is June 19, 20, and 21st make sure you book early.

Click here for reservation


2024 Hall Of Fame Nomination

Click here for nomination form

Your 2024-2025 State Board

William Braddick, President

Dorothy Kelly, Vice-President

June Kennedy, Secretary-Treasurer

Executive Committee:

Theodore Faison

Pete DeGelleke

Charles Joseph Jr

Mary Beth Libell

Please refer to "The Florida Rural Letter Carrier" magazine for contact information.

Union Representative Contact Information

Florida 1 & Puerto Rico Districts

Jami McKinzy
District Representative
PO Box 180955
Tallahassee, FL 32318
Phone: 850-382-6243

Florida 2 & Florida 3 Districts

Natasha Patterson
District Representative
PO Box 47102
St Petersburg, FL 33743
Phone: 727-773-5413
Rural Carrier Salary Schedule effective March 9, 2024 (PP 2024-07)

Annual Rates Click here (Acrobat Reader Required)

From NRLCA.ORG: Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Effective March 9, 2024

Pursuant to the release of the January 2024 Consumer Price Index - Urban Wage and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), and in accordance with Article 9.1.E, the sixth and final COLA adjustment of the 2021-2024 National Agreement will result in a $353.00 increase for eligible rural carriers. This COLA adjustment will be effective March 9, 2024 (PP 2024-07). All COLA adjustments are based on a 40-hour evaluation with proportional application to those route evaluations over 40 hours.
The increase should appear in paychecks dated March 29, 2024.

In accordance with Article 9.1.E.3, full COLA adjustments will apply to Table One and the new Step 15 of Table Two. COLA adjustments to Steps 1 through 14 of Table Two will be adjusted proportionally to each step’s percentage of Step 15. This will serve to bring Table Two schedule (Step 15) employees to the same pay level as Table One (Step 12) employees, thereby eliminating the pay differential between Table Two and Table One employees at the top step and for the rest of their careers.

NOTE: All leave replacement employees will receive an additional 1% salary adjustment annually in lieu of COLA adjustments.

Updated pay schedules can be found
here * and will be included in a future edition of the National Rural Letter Carrier Magazine.

* new schedules will be posted when available

Rural Carrier Associates/Rural Carrier Relief/Assistant Rural Carrier Schedules
Straight time hourly rates effective November 18, 2023 (PP 25-2023)

Table Three, Schedule 1-- $25.62
Table Three, Schedule 2-- $29.94
Table Four--$20.38

Table Three, Schedule 1 applies to Rural Carrier Associates hired beginning August 24, 1991
Table Three, Schedule 2 applies to Rural Carrier Associates and Rural Carrier Relief Employees on the rolls prior to August 24, 1991.
Table Four applies to rural carrier associates hired on or after August 11, 2012
EMA to Increase 1.5 Cents Effective April 5, 2025

On March 12, 2025, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the February 2025 Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) which established the Private Transportation Index at 274.854, an increase from the November 2024 Index of 271.14. Therefore, based on the February 2025 CPI-W release, the Equipment Maintenance Allowance (EMA) for rural carriers will increase 1.5¢ to 96.5¢ per mile. This EMA rate will be effective April 5, 2025 (Pay Period 2025-09).

Rural Carriers

In accordance with the provisions of Article 9, Section 2.G.3 of the USPS/NRLCA National Agreement, effective April 5, 2025 (Pay Period 2025-09), the Equipment Maintenance Allowance (EMA) will increase to 96.5¢ per mile, or a minimum of $38.60 per day, whichever is greater.

Auxiliary Rural Carriers, Rural Carrier Reliefs, Rural Carrier Associates, Rural Carrier Part Time Flexibles, and Auxiliary Assistance

Employees providing auxiliary assistance or serving auxiliary routes under the provisions of Article 9, Section 2.G.5, will receive EMA of 96.5¢ per mile or $10.25 per hour, whichever is greater. This EMA should not exceed the amount provided in the special EMA chart for route stops and miles.

This was the twelfth opportunity for an EMA adjustment under the terms of the 2021-2024 USPS/NRLCA National Agreement. The next quarterly adjustment will occur after the release of the April 2025 Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) and will be effective the second full pay period after release of that index.

The full EMA schedules may be downloaded here.


In a directive issued by the USPS on 3 March 2004, a change was made in the long-standing and widely accepted practice of permitting "X", "O", and "Z" days to qualify a carrier for a free Saturday(s). According to the directive, effective pay period 06-04, the following rural DACA codes will not break the continuity for a free Saturday on a "J" or "H" route:

  • Annual Leave, DACA code A (055)
  • Sick Leave, DACA code S (056)
  • Donated Leave, DACA code D (046)
  • Court Leave, DACA code 6 (061)
  • Holiday Leave, DACA code H (058)

The use of any other DACA codes during a period of leave will break the continuity of the leave and therefore disqualify the carrier for a free Saturday.
Free Saturday Combined With Annual Sick Leave
A regular rural carrier or substitute rural carrier (Designation 72) or a rural carrier associate (Designation 74) in a leave earning capacity who has an approved absence on Saturday occurring within or at the beginning or end of a period of annual or sick leave is not charged such leave or loss of compensation, provided:
a. There are more than 5 days of annual or sick leave within the period; or
b. There are more than 4 days of annual or sick leave plus a holiday within the period. If a holiday falls on Saturday, which is a scheduled workday, absence on the preceding Friday will not be charged to leave. If the leave period is for 4 days, or less absence on the Friday will be charged to leave.
c. Interruption during the approved period of annual or sick leave by court leave due to circumstances beyond the employee’s control shall not disqualify the carrier for coverage as provided in a. or b. above.

Click here to download document (Acrobat Reader Required)

You know how it goes: Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat

If your community is facing extreme weather or emergencies like hurricanes, flooding, tornadoes or wildfires and you need to know whether your facility is operating as usual, the Postal Service has a nationwide number you can call to find out.

The USPS National Emergency Hotline is your information lifeline.

Call 1-888-363-7462 to check on facility closings, reporting time changes and other workplace information.
Because it's national and outside your immediate area, the hotline works even if local facility phone message systems are down because of power failures or other storm-related damage.

This dedicated toll-free system proved itself during Florida's past hurricane seasons.

When you call, you'll be asked for the first three digits of your work ZIP Code. Then you'll hear your district's operating information.

Deaf or hard-of-hearing callers can use their state Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) toll-free number and the TRS operator will handle the call.

Keep this number handy:
1-888-363-7462. It'll help keep us all on our appointed rounds.
Hurricane Helpers

Postal Employees' Relief Fund Offers Employees a Chance to Help

Hurricane Season is here again and has the potential to cause considerable damage to many areas in Florida and the rest of the Southeastern United States. In years past, many USPS employees went above and beyond the call of duty to get the mail through, many were affected by the storm's high winds and heavy rains. Here's one way you can help, contribute to PERF, the Postal Employees' Relief Fund. PERF was started in 1990 to help employees who were victims of major natural disasters certified by the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) when their losses weren't reimbursed by insurance or grants.
If you'd like to make a contribution to PERF, there are several options available. You can mail a check or money order payable to:

PO BOX 34422
WASHINGTON DC 20043-4422

You can also contribute online via major credit card at
www.postalrelief.com. Employees can also select CFC #10268 Postal Employees' Relief Fund as their choice during the Combined Federal Campaign.
If you're an employee in a FEMA-certified disaster area and you're looking for relief, visit
http://www.postalrelief.com/guidelines.htm to get information on eligibility criteria. Visit http://www.postalrelief.com/grantapplication.htm for the application form to get the process started.

Source: Postal Bulletin 22112
Employee Discounts Are a Click Away
Employee deals offer discounts to goods and services in line with ethics rules. To comply with government ethics rules offers must meet one of the two exceptions: 1) if the employee discount is set forth as part of a national contract between the Postal Service and the deal offer or or 2) if the discount is offered to all federal government employees.

For more information on all these employee discounts, visit the Employee Deals Web site. The direct URL is is
NRLCA Sponsored Insurance Plans

Provided by the only insurance company, National General Insurance, an Allstate Company, that has been fully endorsed by the NRLCA for over 68 years.

Route Car Discounts
Coverage for right-hand drive vehicles
Special protection for on-the-route accidents not covered under the Tort Claims Act of 1961

Click here for more information
2024-2025 Constitution of the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association

Click here to download (Acrobat Reader Required)
2024-2025 Constitution of the Florida Rural Letter Carriers' Association
Approved June 20-22, 2024, State Convention, Fort Myers

Click here to download (Acrobat Reader Required)

Florida Rural Letter Carriers' Association
2022-2023 IRS Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax

Click here to download (Acrobat Reader Required)

PO-603, Rural Carrier Duties and Responsibilities Handbook
Updated With Postal Bulletin Revisions Through October 18, 2012

Click here to download (Large (3.9 meg) file, Acrobat Reader Required)

Step 1 Grievance Form (USPS-NRLCA Joint Step 1 Grievance Form, PS Form 8191)
Click here to download (Acrobat Reader Required)

Local Steward Election Call and Application for Certification
Click here to download (Acrobat Reader Required)

Dues Withholding Form (NRLCA Form 1187)
Click here to download (Acrobat Reader Required)

Delivering exceptional service to U.S. Postal Service employees and their families since 1925.

Click here for more information

The following links are provided solely as a convenience for visitors to this page.
The inclusion of these links does not indicate approval, endorsement, or agreement of/with the content of these sites by the Florida Rural Letter Carriers' Association or the author of this Website.

P-J's Signs, Shirts, and More
Supplying America's Rural Carriers with Safety Signs, Shirts, and just about anything else you may need for your route!

Shirts and More. Personalized rural carrier apparel, Warning Signs, etc

National Rural Letter Carriers' Association
United States Postal Service Home Page
Postal Bulletins (USPS Website)
USPS Track-Confirm -- Mail Tracking & Delivery Confirmation
ZIP code Lookup and Address Information (USPS Website)
Postal Rate Commission
Postal Explorer
General Accounting Office
Office of Personnel Management/Federal Employees Health Benefit Plan
Postal News Online

Official Website of the Florida Rural Letter Carriers' Association.
Copyright © 1998-2023 Florida Rural Letter Carriers' Association. All Rights Reserved